Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank again highlights the importance of Robert Spencer’s books on Islam. Most of what people know about Islam today is wrong because most textbooks are written by left-wing academics or Islamic apologists who justify their contemporary political agendas with contrived historical “facts.” Robert Spencer, however, is in a unique position to refute popular myths and reveal truth about Islam that is not taught in schools or heard on the evening news.

Questions and Answers:

  • Why did God put two trees in the Garden of Eden? Why did He forbid Adam and Eve from eating the tree of life after the fall?
  • How can I talk to a friend who is converting to Roman Catholicism?
  • Is God still creating more angels?
  • Is it okay to attend both a Roman Catholic church and a non-denominational church?
  • Which of the mainstream denominations would you consider to be part of the true church? Are there denominations that are heretical?
  • Which view is correct, dispensationalism or covenant theology?
  • When looking at a preterist view of eschatology, what can we expect in the future, and where are we in terms of the end times?
  • What do you think about the historical evidence regarding the Roman taxation at the time of Jesus’ birth?
  • Is Matthew 7:21-23 a picture of the judgment seat of Christ? At the final judgment when Jesus says, “Depart from Me,” could this be temporal rather than eternal?
  • Do you have any literature on the idea of God as the uncaused first cause?
  • In the Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus speaks of cutting off your hand if it causes you to sin; how does this relate to lust and masturbation?
  • Are there any prophets after Christ’s resurrection? If so, what would be their role?

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