Transgender Protest

Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:

Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank recounts his emotional reading of the article by Sophia Lee, “Sounding the Alarm” which deals with issues faced by Transgender people. The article subtitle explains: “Many transgender persons regret what they did to their bodies and souls, and some are pleading that others not repeat their mistake.”

Questions and Answers:

  • The NBA is facing the possibility of having a female head coach. What are the principles in the Bible regarding single men and single women interacting?
  • Is it our job as Christians to make people aware of their sins?
  • I’ve always believed that salvation is like a light switch. Once it’s on, it’s always on forever. In 1 Corinthians 1:18 I understand that the Greek word indicates “being saved” rather than a point in time. Could you help to explain this?
  • What would you say are the top three ways to dispute the doctrine of the pre-tribulational Rapture?
  • Should Pastors should only be paid if they travel like evangelists, and not if they stay in the community?
  • How can I improve my prayer life?
  • What is your biblical perspective on a woman being the president of this nation, and secondly, on a woman whose husband has been unfaithful being the president?
  • What is your viewpoint on the Black Lives Matter movement?

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