Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank recounts the loss of time he experienced during a colonoscopy due to anesthesia. This caused him to consider the passing of time in eternity and the various views concerning how time will be experienced in the eternal state. Since we are physical beings living in a restored physical universe, there is good reason to believe we will not experience eternal timelessness or a continuous present, but rather endless time.

Questions and Answers:

  • Can you comment on Romans 11:25-26 and the problems with Christian Zionism?
  • Can you clarify your statements on soul sleep?
  • Do you know of any resources on the idea of a flat earth?
  • I am homebound and can’t attend church and I want to be part of Christ’s body, but the churches in my area just ignore me. Do you have any advice?
  • Was Adam literally present when Eve was being tempted by the Devil?
  • What is the purpose of the Millennium in Revelation chapter 20?
  • Can you explain Matthew 7:21-23; I have always feared that I will hear these words.
  • I’ve heard of Zionism, but can you explain Christian Zionism?
  • Will there be time in eternity and was there time prior to creation?

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