My Family Came Across the Plains with Brigham Young


Daniel H. Hardy

Article ID:



Aug 1, 2023


Jun 9, 2009

This article first appeared in the Christian Research Newsletter, volume 1, issue 2. For more information about the Christian Research Journal click here.


I would like to thank CRI for all their wonderful work in bringing truth into my everyday walk with Christ, our Lord. I love and enjoy attending your Bible Class and listening to the Bible Answer Man and CRI Perspective when­ever possible. We Christians are so blessed to have such great anointed teach­ing at our door step.

I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, the capital of Mormonism, and my family roots go way back to Palmyra and Illinois. My family came across the plains with Brigham Young.

As it is with most Mormons, I grew up in a lot of confusion regarding Christi­anity; there were many different views. This confusion is something that is handed down through the generations. So, when I became born again I needed to be reprogrammed in my thinking about who God is, and what He is, what the church is, its priesthood, and what part the Bible plays in daily living.

As a child I grew up with a children’s story Bible until I was about eight. Then I was baptized and went straight into rebel­lion. I had my own idea about how I wanted to live and that did not include going to church. My parents were very stern, and misled. There was very little love involved. I started into drugs, alcohol and so on, to escape it all.

As I grew older, I heard about “Jesus” from my friend’s mother. I liked what she said about him, but with big hopes and dreams of becoming a “rock star” I came to California with my friends, Mike and Jon.

It was at this time we got stopped dead in our tracks and the Lord began his work in us. First Mike was saved out of Mormonism and the occult; he gave his life completely to Christ. I bought a Bible and began to read. With reading and the help of pastors, the truth began to pene­trate. I had a big decision to make. I was smoking two to three packs of cigarettes a day and drinking up to a case of beer and doing all sorts of other things. On the night of August 28, 1986, I accepted Christ and the next morning I was through with it all, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Praise God!!! I had become a new crea­tion.

I would like to share how a wonder­ful book The Maze of Mormonism helped me better understand the true gospel and how it helped clear my mind. As a new Christian, I was curious and very zealous; I wanted to change the world (and still do). I read deeply in my Bible and the Holy Spirit helped my understanding. But I was hung-up on the idea that all religious people are correct; especially Mormons. Then I read The Maze. It was a big sur­prise. It shed light on the true priesthood and the church and authority.

I have given copies to my brother, mother, and friends. They have come to know the truth and are helping to bring the truth in Salt Lake City. If more people would read your books, they would come to realize the truth as I have. We would all appreciate your prayers so we can learn enough to help my grandparents and the rest of my family and friends to know the truth.

The Lord has blessed us with “Col­ony XII,” a ministry band. We ask for your prayers for the band and that God’s will be done. My bass player, Chris Benner, has read The Maze and attends your class. His family are all Mormons. Pray for them.

Thank you for your books and litera­ture. I am currently reading The New Cults. I am very thankful for your class and staff.

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