Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank shares his thoughts on Kurt Eichenwald’s Newsweek article titled, “The Bible: So Misunderstood it’s a Sin.” In the article, Eichenwald posits that the Bible is corrupt, Jesus was a false apocalyptic prophet, and the Genesis account is contradictory, among other things. Hank specifically addresses Eichenwald’s accusations against Genesis and offers his book, Has God Spoken? as a full refutation of these erroneous claims.
Questions and Answers:
- I used to be a Mormon and I appreciate your ministry, but I don’t understand why you judge other religions?
- We know of Christ’s birth and His public ministry, but what happened during His youth?
- I heard someone at church say we shouldn’t pray the Lord’s Prayer because that was only for Jesus’ disciples. The one who said this also mentioned Frederick Price; do you know if there are any problems with Frederick Price?
- Have you heard of Andrew Murray?
- Which translations of the Bible are good, and are there any we should avoid?
- What are your thoughts on churches that use popular movie clips in their services? Would you say that these churches are preaching a false gospel or a watered-down gospel?
- John 12:31 talks about the ruler of this world being cast out; where exactly was he cast out of, and if it was heaven, can you explain how this relates to Jude 1:9? Does this also tie in with Revelation 12:9?