Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank tackles the question: Is artificial intelligence taking over? As a result of many popular science fiction movies about artificial intelligence, the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL has produced an article addressing this concern titled, “Who’s Afraid of HAL?” The fear of AI taking over is not just the stuff of sci-fi nightmares, but is also shared by icons such as Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates. They need not fear however, because there is an essential difference between human minds and machines. The mind has metaphysical properties to which the machine can never attain. The subjective texture of your conscious mental experiences is different than anything that is simply physical. A machine can never produce a mind; therefore, computers will never become conscious, independent, and dangerous.

Questions and Answers:

  • I have the book A Meaningful World by Benjamin Wiker and Jonathan Witt. Can other religions generate this kind of literature?
  • I’m struggling with the salvation of my children. They’ve prayed the Sinners Prayer, but I don’t see a lot of fruit. Does the Holy Spirit draw everyone?
  • Are we doing church correctly in the way we spend our money with regard to church buildings and staff?
  • What is your opinion of the Mandela Effect? Is there any validity to it at all?
  • Is it necessary to confess every sin to someone?
  • I’m in a mega church that keeps growing, but I don’t feel like the people are getting fed. What is your opinion of mega churches?
  • I have a friend who is an atheist; how can I give her hard proof for the existence of God?

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