Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank contrasts the multimedia extravaganza of mega-churches today with authentic, New Testament worship and community that is founded on the teaching of the Word, genuine fellowship, and evangelism.
Questions and Answers:
- Is it possible for a Christian to lose their salvation according to Revelation 2:5? What is the reference to removing their candlestick in this passage?
- My concern is that many people are under the impression that just because they say a prayer, they will be saved. What are your thoughts on this?
- Does the Bible forbid marrying a divorcee?
- I wanted to comment on another broadcast in which a caller brought up a hypothetical scenario about what would have happened if Adam had not sinned.
- Are you familiar with Frank Hammond and his book, Pigs in the Parlor?
- What do you think about the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
- Do you think casting out demons is necessary?
- What do you think about soul ties?
- In Genesis chapter 33, when Jacob bought the land for one hundred pieces of money, can we convert that to American currency?
- How can I help my friend who heard a liberal pastor change the words of Scripture regarding marriage, saying that marriage is between two people not a man and a woman?
- I heard a preacher say that Daniel 7:4 is speaking about England and America. Is this a correct interpretation?