Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank explains that the secret to knowing Christ is more than just knowledge about Christ, but having an intimate relationship with Him, which involves getting back to the basics of Bible reading and prayer.
Questions and Answers:
- How do you reconcile Exodus 20:5 and Ezekiel 18:30? It seems like God says He will punish the children for their father’s sins in Exodus, and in Ezekiel He says the opposite.
- My wife was sexually assaulted as a child. Is it possible that a demon was passed on to her because of this?
- Does Jesus still have a physical body?
- Is man triune? Are the spirit and the soul different, or are these terms used interchangeably in Scripture?
- In Genesis chapter 6, did angels have sex with women and produce the Nephilim? What is the meaning and application of this passage?
- How could God command a rape victim to marry the rapist under the Old Testament law?
- What is your view on these other gospels that have been found, such as those in Hal Taussig’s book, A New New Testament? Were they written at the same time as the canonical Gospels?
- Should Christians keep the Ten Commandments? If so, then why don’t Christians keep the Sabbath on the seventh day?
- I work in a public school and have been reprimanded for having children pray over their lunches. How should I handle this situation?
- When John wrote the book of Revelation, how did people at that time understand it since they didn’t read fiction? How did it pertain to them?