Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Questions and Answers:
- Although I am a Mennonite, I do not perfectly follow the rules concerning clothing. Am I sinning in doing this?
- As a Christian I know that when I suffer, I “suffer for the Lord.” How should I classify the suffering I had before I became a Christian?
- What is Paul talking about when he discusses the remnant and the elect in Romans 11?
- Will Christ reveal further truth after His Second Coming?
- Does Christ speak outside the Bible?
Hank’s Comments:
- During the Question and Answer segment, Hank takes time to share some news. Typically, the Islamic State does not take credit for events that they are not truly involved with. The Islamic State is now talking about 600 people wounded or killed in Las Vegas, claiming this was done by a soldier of the Caliphate. Hank also reads and comments on an email he received today from a Pastor critical of his assertions about Islam.