Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank highlights an article in the Effective Evangelism section of CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL titled, “What the Size of the Cosmos Doesn’t Say about Mankind.” The current scientific narrative claims that man is utterly insignificant in the universe. Since we’ve discovered that the Earth is not the center of the universe, then mankind must be unimportant as well. What we should note is that this is a secular philosophical argument dressed up in scientific clothes. Consider the self-contradiction of Richard Dawkins who believes that everything is material and therefore, there is no good or evil. Yet he believes that racism is evil, so he is blind to his own paradigm. The reality is that the immensity of the universe speaks of God’s ineffability.

Questions and Answers:

  • Do you have any advice for someone seeking God’s will?
  • How can you live with yourself by falsely telling people that your religion is the correct religion?
  • My brother committed suicide and it has shaken my faith.
  • Is it true that the apostle John was boiled in oil; is that in Scripture?
  • What do you think of John Hagee and Jonathan Cahn?
  • Some people came to my door and asked what I thought Christianity was and that I need to be saved from hell, so I said that I’m essentially saving myself from God. How is this not correct? Since there are rewards and consequences, how can there be free will?

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