On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank welcomes actor, director, producer and nationally syndicated radio host, Carl Amari to discuss The Word of God Audio Bible New Testament. The Word of God is a dramatic audio theater presentation featuring internationally-renowned actors, an original music score, and wonderful sound effects. Hank and Carl give listeners a taste of what they’ll hear with this brilliantly-recorded, artistically-rich production and how edifying it can be to listen to the Scriptures.
Hank also answers the following questions:
- I’m having a hard time finding a church and right now I’m attending a Church of Christ. Can you help me?
- Is there any indication in the Bible that angels sing?
- How do I reconcile the New Testament teaching that marriage is between one man and one woman, and the Old Testament accounts of polygamy?
- I’m in a mega church that keeps growing, but I don’t feel like the people are getting fed. What is your opinion of mega churches?
- I have a friend who is an atheist; how can I give her hard proof for the existence of God?