Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank welcomes assistant professor of philosophy, Adam C. Pelser to discuss his article in the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL titled “Developing Discernment in Devotional Reading: A Critical Examination of Jesus Calling and One Thousand Gifts.” Aside from examining these books for biblical accuracy, Adam gives four tips for honing your discernment skills: keep watch for unbiblical worldviews, using ecstatic experiences as the measure for spiritual growth, practices that distort spiritual vision, and distortions of the gospel, as well as the danger of reading Sarah Young’s words as if they are the words of Jesus Himself.
Questions and Answers:
- What are your thoughts about 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 as it pertains to the parousia of Christ, the lawless one, and the temple?
- 2 Corinthians 5:1 speaks of a new body, a building from God. Does this mean that I will have my new body when I go to be with the Lord, before the resurrection? The Bible also speaks of a new heaven and a new earth. Am I incorrect in thinking my mother is in heaven now?
- How should I witness to members of the World Mission Society Church of God?
- I had some Jehovah’s Witnesses come to my door; how can I help them understand the word “firstborn” as it refers to Jesus?