Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank welcomes Associate Professor of Christian Apologetics at Biola University, Dr. Clay Jones to discuss his recent article in the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL titled, “Why Did God Let That Child Die?” Dr. Jones gives three main answers to this question: sin, free will, and natural laws. Hank and Dr. Jones also address the hiddenness of God, the good that comes of suffering, and the salvation of children.
Questions and Answers:
- How do we resolve dinosaurs and Neanderthals with the Bible?
In the final segment of today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank welcomes Graham Veale, head of the Religious Education department at City of Armagh High School, Armagh, Northern Ireland to discuss his book, New Atheism: A Survival Guide. Graham talks about the distinguishing features of new atheists, the absurdity of arguments against God such as the Flying Spaghetti Monster, what it means to really believe in a God who has unlimited power and freedom, as well as the reason for writing his book in an accessible fashion so younger readers could have real answers when faced with attacks on theism.
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