Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank shares his thoughts on the power of God’s dynamic presence. If we take the doctrine of omnipresence literally and not figuratively, then God is everywhere all the time. And although His presence is with each moment of our lives, we can often resemble the proverbial fish out of water complaining of thirst. Imagining God’s presence is one thing; actually sensing it is something else. Is it any wonder that the apostle Paul exhorted us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds? Perhaps if our minds were sufficiently renewed, we would cease being thirsty fish.
Questions and Answers:
- When Cain was sent to the land of Nod after he killed Abel, where did all of the other people come from?
- How do we define legalism in the church? My church prohibits alcohol; are they being legalistic?
- Will there be free will in heaven? If so, will it be possible for us to mess things up again?
- Was Joel 3:1-2 fulfilled in 1948?
- Is it wrong for a Christian to believe in intelligent, extraterrestrial life?
- Is the parable in Luke 8:10-18 saying that one out of every four people who accept the gospel are not truly saved?
- Do healing miracles occur today?