Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank mentions that he has walked into the Bible Answer Man studio for nearly 30 years now, and has never taken it for granted. Hank also announces the next Bible Answer Man Facebook Live event on Thursday, May 18th at 3PM ET.
Questions and Answers:
- Does Forensic Faith address the Word of Faith movement?
- What are ghosts, and how do I make sense of them with the Bible? I believe I saw one. How do I reconcile that with the Bible?
- Can you help me understand the differences between the Orthodox church, and the Roman Catholic church? Do we as Christians truly believe the Eucharist is the body and blood of Jesus Christ, as in transubstantiation?
- Can you help me understand Jesus words not to call anyone father?
- My girlfriend and I have been together for many years and have three children together. Since I became a Christian, I’ve wanted to get married, but she does not. Can I lose my salvation over this?