
Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank discusses the biblical metaphor of fire. In the Scriptures fire is can be both real and metaphorical. God’s throne is said to be aflame with fire. John tells us that the seven lamps of fire symbolize the seven spirits of God. James tells us that the tongue is a fire and is set on fire by hell. The Bible uses the word fire to describe jealousy as well as unbridled passion. So when we read the Bible literally, it means we must read it in the sense in which it’s intended.

Questions and Answers:

  • I wanted to thank you for giving believers an alternative to Christian Zionism.
  • My eight-year-old daughter wants to accept Jesus; what do you think about this?
  • What are your thoughts on contemplative or centering prayer?
  • Is the throne mentioned in Revelation 20 the only throne in heaven? Will we all see the white throne?
  • Why do you think the previous caller thought his daughter couldn’t be saved?
  • My church never comments on anything political, either good or bad. What is your position on this?

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