Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:

  • Hank shares his thoughts on the Bible’s use of metaphor with regard to images of heaven and the afterlife.

Questions and Answers:

  • Why are there 66 books in the Bible instead of 77?
  • What name should we use for God? Shouldn’t we call Him Yahweh?
  • Are holidays like Christmas and New Year’s Day to be considered pagan and not observed?
  • Can you explain the Sabbath and what starts the first day of the week biblically?
  • Can you discuss the Jehovah’s Witnesses idea that Jesus is the archangel Michael? If He was, couldn’t He have chosen to rebel as a third of the angels did?
  • My brother passed away and two days before he passed, he professed belief in Jesus. Is that enough to get him into heaven?
  • How do we account for the different races, and did the tower of Babel play a part in that? Is there any evidence that God created more than just Adam and Eve?
  • How do you know when God is speaking to you? Would God ever tell someone that they are going to die?
  • How many ordinances are there? The church we are attending says there are three: Baptism, Communion, and church membership.
  • Can you discuss the Word of Faith movement? Some of their teachings seem to be okay.

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