Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:
- Hank answers the question that many skeptics use against Christianity: can God create a rock so heavy that He cannot move it?
Questions and Answers:
- Is it okay to refer to God as He or She? Should we be part of a church that has ordained a female bishop?
- Will those who died before the time of Christ have a second chance to receive salvation after death? How were those in the Old Testament period saved?
- Why are the genealogies in Matthew and Luke different?
- Could God have used a controlled form of evolution as the process of creating biological life?
- What is the difference between sins that are an abomination to God, and those that are not?
- Why are modern scientists reticent to accept creation Ex nihilo? Is this a question of money and job security?
- What are your thoughts on the book, Piso Christ by Jay Gallus?
- Can you discuss the different modes of baptism and the meaning of baptism?