Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:
- Hank shows how the fossil record lacks any verifiable transitional forms from one species into another, thus disproving common descent by means of natural selection.
Questions and Answers:
- What value should be put on the cross in terms of an icon in our churches or around our necks?
- When we die and go to heaven, do we get a new body at that time? Where does the Bible most prominently teach about what happens at the resurrection?
- Should we observe the Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday?
- Does God break covenants? In Zechariah chapter 11, God says He will break His covenant with the people.
- My husband and I don’t agree on the church we should attend. Should I follow him and attend a Greek Orthodox Church?
- I work with wounded service members and one of the questions I am required to ask is about their spiritual condition, and put them in touch with a chaplain, but I’m not allowed to witness to them. What advice would you give me?
- Why do we apply the warning in Revelation 22:18-19 to the entire canon of Scripture?