Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank let his listening audience know that he did a Bible Answer Man Facebook/YouTube LIVE! broadcast today. People joined in from all over the world. Also, Hank gives an overview of the Legacy Reading Plan that is available at for free! Please click here to get your copy.
Questions and Answers:
- Could you explain the 144,000 in Revelation? Also, the innumerable multitude of people?
- Is the name found on the thigh of the Lord in Revelation 19:16 a tattoo?
- Are you familiar with the ministries of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee?
- What is your viewpoint on life in the cosmos beyond earth? Could there be morally responsible beings on other planets that need the salvific work of Christ as we do?
- What is the New Covenant; when did it start; who is involved in it; is it in effect today?
- What version of the Bible do you prefer, and why?