Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank reminds his listening audience about the Bible Answer Man Facebook Live event tomorrow, May 18 at 3PM Eastern Time. Hank also discusses prayer—that it ought to be its own reward—an opportunity to talk with God. To illustrate, Hank shares an event from the prayer life of Joni Eareckson Tada.
Questions and Answers:
- With a few short years left in my life, what can I do to make a difference for the prolifigate life I have lived under the illusion of “cheap grace?”
- Do you know anything about a man called Apostle John Chi?
- Facebook Comment: No Hell exists now. The Lake of Fire will be the final judgment of those who reject the Lord.
- Does the Old Testament have any references to the Trinity?
- Does scripture have anything to say about how a person with a long-term bed-bound illness can have happiness and joy in this life, not just in the life to come?
- I disagree with your interpretation of Revelation 12. I believe there is overwhelming evidence that prophecy points to the day September 23, 2017 as a significant day in the Lord’s plan. What are your thoughts?
- What is the origin of the struggle that Israel has with the land of Israel and Palestine?