Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank comments on the From the Editor piece in the current edition of the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL. As time marches on, Managing Editor of the Journal Melanie Cogdill, laments the demise of print publications. The Journal has been in print for nearly forty years and offers a unique perspective on a variety of topics including in-depth research of religions, aberrant Christian teachings, ethical issues, and apologetics. If half of the current subscribers would get one new person to subscribe or give a gift subscription, the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL would meet its budget and continue bringing award-winning content. Who could benefit from a gift subscription? Your pastor would benefit; a missionary; a family member; anyone who is a Christian would benefit from this resource. So the next time you stand in the grocery store and see racks of magazines, think about giving a gift subscription of the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL.

Questions and Answers:

  • Can you clarify your statement on having unity in essential doctrines? Who determines the essentials?
  • Why did God create us, knowing our proclivities? I didn’t ask to be created and have original sin.
  • I have been listening to an audio Bible and it has been a tremendous blessing. Thank you for encouraging me to do this.
  • Since God knows when people will die before they are born, how do we reconcile this with those who commit suicide?
  • Can you explain Satan being already judged in John 16:11?
  • Will everyone rule and reign with Christ in eternity?
  • What are we supposed to be watching for in Ephesians 6:18?

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