Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank shares his thoughts on the religion of Islam in light of the San Bernardino shooting. Despite this and other tragedies, politicians and media moguls make an overt distinction between radical terrorism and Islam. Hillary Clinton, President Obama, and even conservative news outlets all seem to be repeating the same mantra: Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. But is Islam really a peaceful religion? The only way to answer this question is to understand Muhammad as chronicled in the Qur’an and Hadith, and the difference between him living in Mecca and living in Medina. Although revered as a prophet, if you compare the life of Muhammad with the life Jesus, you will find that they are vastly different. In these dark times, Christians need to be equipped to communicate what Islam really teaches and the truth that can only be found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Questions and Answers:
- If all Muslims believe the Qur’an and follow the teachings of Muhammad, shouldn’t they all be called radical?
- How can I discuss absolute truth with a relativist?
- Shouldn’t we all go to Washington and protest Obama’s policies?
- Does the Bible forbid body piercing?
- In John 7:37-38, which Old Testament passage is Jesus referring to, and who would have the rivers of living water?