Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:
- Hank shares his thoughts on reading the five books of the Apostle John sequentially so that we can get a better understanding of his writings and see the distinct style of this beloved disciple.
Questions and Answers:
- Will we have freewill in heaven? Is heaven a different dimension?
- Is the Lord’s Supper viewed the same way by Roman Catholics and Pentecostals?
- Can you define biblical inerrancy? Is it possible to assemble a 100% accurate translation from the original manuscripts? What is the most correct translation?
- Why does Leviticus speak against incest and yet, in the book of Genesis, incest was how the descendants of Adam and Eve procreated? Why did this become an abomination?
- What are your thoughts on street preachers who publicly denounce people? How should I handle a situation where I have a friend doing this?
- How do you interpret Matthew 27:52-53? Is this to be taken literally or as apocalyptic literature?
- What are your thoughts on the documentary hypothesis for the Pentateuch? Do you think there could have been two different sources for this?