Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:
- Hank debunks the notion that creationists are bigoted ignoramuses and evolutionists are intellectuals by delineating many well-respected scientists who were also men of faith.
Questions and Answers:
- What are your thoughts on those involved in the Strange Fire conference who seem to lump all Pentecostals and Charismatics together?
- Can you address Oneness Pentecostalism? Is it true that they hold to modalism?
- What do you mean when you say all analogies for the Trinity break down?
- Can a Christian be directly responsible for someone not coming to salvation?
- Can you explain the Sabbath in light of Colossians 2:16?
- How can I discern a false prophet or teacher?
- If a Christian dies sinning, will they go to hell?
- What are your thoughts on Lectio Divina? Is this form of Bible study helpful or does it put too much emphasis on our own interpretation?
- Why are the Pseudepigraphal writings not considered to be canonical?
- What are your thoughts on the worship band Jesus Culture based in Bethel Church in Redding California? Should our church be singing their songs?