Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:
- Hank talks about the Magi and the star that guided them, not as prophesying the birth of Christ, but as a pronouncement of it.
Questions and Answers:
- Was the serpent in the garden of Eden a real snake?
- In James chapter 5, who is James talking about when he refers to the rich?
- Can you give me some more information about the Black Hebrew Israelite and what they believe?
- What are your thoughts on Zeitgeist: the Movie?
- What is the biblical criteria for denying someone church membership? Is Matthew 18 talking about individual sin or sin against the body?
- Is it okay to drink alcohol? What if drinking causes someone to stumble?
- What do you think about women preaching or being pastors in church?
- Was the flood in Genesis global?
- How do you know when God is speaking? How do we know the difference between the accusation the devil and the conviction of the Holy Spirit?
- Do you know anything about Raul Ries? Is he a sound teacher?