Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank mentions the 45th Annual March for Life event that took place today in Washington D.C., in which President Trump spoke. This was the first time a sitting president has spoken at the event. In his speech, Trump said his administration will always defend the first right in the Declaration of Independence – the right to life.
Questions and Answers:
- Why would God regulate something that he doesn’t like? Are you familiar with Apatheism?
- Have you heard of the book Purple Book by Rice Broocks and Steve Murrell?
- Can you help me understand the past tense of Romans 8:37 where it says “through him who loved us” instead of “who loves us”?
- Are there degrees in hell or is everyone in the same place?
- I struggle with anger, I pray to God for forgiveness, but I feel that I am just repeating myself over and over. Can you help me?