Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank quotes extensively from Proverbs 3, emphasizing verse 3 which exhorts believers to remember mercy and truth. Hank also mentions that the Bible Answer Man program was dropped from a number of radio stations as a result of him joining the Orthodox church.
Questions and Answers:
- At the great white throne will sinners be judged for every sin they’ve committee or just unbelief?
- Do you view the doctrine of the “real substance” as an essential doctrine?
- My question is about Proverbs 30:4. What is the Old Testament understanding of God having a Son?
- Do you believe that the Trinity, or God-head were broken when Christ was crucified?
- Is there anything redeemable in the movie The Shack?
- I recently lost my father. Friends tell me I can talk to him, but this makes me feel weird. What are your thoughts on this?
- Would you speak about how someone can come to know Jesus, not just know about Him? How can we cultivate the Life of Christ?