Young Woman with Smart Phone

Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:

Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank highlights an article in the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL titled, “From the Mind of a Millennial: How Did We Get Here, and How Do We Make it Better?” Christian Millennials are fighting a war they are often ill-equipped to fight. Their struggle is to be salt and light in a world actively trying to mold them into being like everyone else. They must arm themselves with the teachings of Christ and be rooted in a body of believers. There are challenges ahead, but with God, all things are possible.

Questions and Answers:

  • In the flood, why didn’t God destroy all the sea creatures?
  • I’ve been going through a dark time; how can I have assurance of salvation? How can I feel the presence of God in my life?
  • Can you explain the differences between God and Allah?
  • When John the Baptist said the kingdom of God was at hand, did he mean we can bring the kingdom here on earth?
  • What are your thoughts on the Episcopal Church that Judge Neil Gorsuch attends?
  • Do you think the homosexual agenda is like Sodom and Gomorrah rising from the ashes and God is using Donald Trump to call people out?
  • What do you think about Donald Trump’s policy on immigration?
  • How can we confront a pastor or leader in the church?
  • Can you clarify your comments to the previous caller with mental health issues?

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