Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank discusses a front page news piece concerning the NBA’s stance on gender identity. The NBA is still putting pressure on North Carolina’s HB2 law; claiming its revisions have not gone far enough. The league even suggested it might pull the 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte if a compromise cannot be met. One thing is sure; the NBA’s principles on “inclusion” end up condemning the biblical prioritization of male/female distinctions as bigoted.

Questions and Answers:

  • How can I know I haven’t committed the unpardonable sin?
  • I agree with you on bathroom laws and if I saw a man going into the bathroom after my granddaughter, I would make sure she was safe.
  • What is the best version of the Bible?
  • Did King Saul die by falling on his own sword or by a solider?
  • Can you elaborate on your view of hell as being the choice of unbelievers? It seems like there are people who deny the existence of hell.
  • How can we as Christians love the world when they reject us and our values?

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