Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank shares his thoughts on paradigms, the power of one; what one person can do, as well as the importance of having vision. As Hank tells listeners, our paradigms function unconsciously as filters, allowing us to only see things a certain way, and often we as believers need a paradigm shift to see Christianity as more than an explanation, but an experience with the living God.
Questions and Answers:
- Is the book of Revelation speaking only to the Hebrew church or to the Gentile church as well?
- Would you consider Seventh Day Adventists to be Christians?
- As a Christian, what should my attitude be towards Canadians who go and join ISIS?
- I’m confused on the difference between tithing in the Old Testament and the New Testament. What does the Bible say about tithing?
- Why did the Jews stop sacrificing animals?
- How do we get the idea of Satan being kicked out of heaven from Ezekiel 28? This seems to be talking about the king of Tyre.
- What are your thoughts on Jephthah sacrificing his daughter in Judges 11?
- Can you address the pagan traditions of Christmas and Easter?