Hank in Studio

Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank mentions that he just returned from his trip to Washington, D.C., where he spoke at the 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom. The conference brought leaders together to discuss the following topic: “The Persecution of Christians in the Holy Lands and Middle East: Consequences and Solutions.” Hank also mentions that John Dominic Crossan denies the validity of the census as described in the book of Luke. Did Dr. Luke make a colossal mistake in recording the facts, and is Scripture therefore unreliable, or has Crossan made a fatal error?

Questions and Answers:

  • Jeremiah 29:10 talks about the inhabitants of Jerusalem being in exile for 70 years, but it also mentions Babylon. Does this have anything to do with Israel being in the land today, with Jerusalem as its capital?
  • I know mercuryone started by Glenn beck asked his audience to donate to help move Iraq Christian’s to safer countries away from ISIS.
  • Have you ever pondered the origin of the human races in its possible onset at the Tower of Babel?

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