Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:
- Hank shares his thoughts on the preeminence of Christ, God incarnate, the creator of all things, the Alpha and Omega; the one who holds all things together by the word of His power.
Questions and Answers:
- According to Job chapter 1, is Satan in control of the weather? When hurricanes strike, people usually ask, why God? How does this work?
- What passages of Scripture or watershed moments in your ministry have changed your life, or your understanding of spiritual things?
- Where in the Bible do the Mormons get their doctrine of baptism for the dead?
- When does the judgment seat of Christ take place?
- Can you give me some insight on the book, The Fire That Consumes by Edward Fudge?
- What is the motivation that some have to change the doctrine of hell?
- How do I answer a friend who says that celebrating Christmas will send you to hell?
- What are your thoughts on Don Piper’s book, 90 Minutes in Heaven?
- Is the Book of Mormon true? Have you ever read it?
- If someone was saved at a young age, and then after hardships renounced God publically, is there any hope for them?