Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank reads an encouraging letter in which a listener expresses gratitude for The Osteenification of American Christianity. Quoting from Abraham Kuyper, Hank gives the basis for writing this book.
Questions and Answers:
- At what point do Christians have the responsibility to use violence against those who commit horrendous evil and injustice? And how does this relate to tyranny?
- When people ask me what I think of Heaven is for Real, what part of the Bible can I go to for an answer?
- What is Molinism and what do you think of it?
- Looking at the books of Exodus and Numbers, can we determine the number of the Israelites?
- Does the Bible teach both physical and spiritual death is the result of sin? What was the payment for our sin?