On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast Hank answers questions on the following topics:
- In Genesis chapter 3, I always thought that Satan possessed the serpent, but I’ve heard you say it was not a literal snake. So what does the cursing of the serpent mean?
- What is the purpose of water baptism?
- My sister invited me to her baby’s baptism, but I don’t agree with the Roman Catholic view of baptism; should I attend?
- When Lazarus died, why did Jesus weep? He was God incarnate and He knew what was going to happen.
- How can I address marital abuse from a biblical perspective?
- My church issued a statement saying that they won’t perform same-sex unions, but they would welcome homosexuals into the church; how should I respond to this?
- I teach theology and biology, and I was wondering, what is your opinion on the age of the earth? If the earth is very old and humans have been on this planet for a long time, why did God wait so long to intervene? Why has God made Himself so obscure?