On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers questions on the following topics:
- Did you say that Adam and Eve predated the dinosaurs? Did dinosaurs live millions of years ago? Didn’t God create the world in seven days? Since some dinosaurs were carnivorous, how could there be death prior to the sin of Adam?
- Is the abomination of desolation the Middle East?
- Should Christians still offer burnt offerings to God?
- Was the establishment of the modern state of Israel a fulfillment of prophecy? How should we understand the promises made to the Jews?
- Are the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg trustworthy?
- Was Jesus referring to water baptism in John 3:5?
- Is tithing necessary for believers? Is doesn’t seem like Malachi 3:10 is referring only to money.
- In the Old Covenant there was no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood. So what is the New Covenant about?