On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:
- At what point do you stop witnessing to someone?
- Can you tell me about Jimmy Swaggart?
- Is a Christian and a disciple the same thing? Can you be a Christian and not a disciple?
- Wasn’t the wrath of God poured out upon Jesus on the cross? It seems like Isaiah 53:10 makes this point. How do you interpret 2 Corinthians 5:21 in this regard?
- Since the Bible is clear, why are so many Christians mixed up about homosexuality and transgenderism? Shouldn’t we be aware of the Devil’s schemes?
- What are your thoughts on Trunews and Rick Wiles?
- A friend’s mother died a while back and they claim their dead mother called them on the phone; how do you answer this?
- Aren’t we supposed to support modern Israel? And what about Syria; does Isaiah 17 have anything to do with modern-day prophecy?