Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank reads a letter of testimony from a listener who has been blessed by the ministry of the Christian Research Institute and the Bible Answer Man broadcast.
Questions and Answers:
- If someone dies as a result of negligence, such as not wearing a seat belt, are they disregarding the Law?
- Could you explain the framework view of creation?
- Can you explain Matthew 7:21-23? What is the will of our Father in heaven?
- Are there parallels between Jesus and the Egyptian god Horus? Have you seen the movie Zeitgeist?
- Does John 20:22-23 support the idea that pastors can pronounce absolution of sin? Are pastors forgiving sins or declaring forgiveness based on the atonement of Christ?
- Is Joseph Prince’s teaching similar to Joel Osteen?
- What is your opinion of T. D. Jakes?