On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast Hank answers questions on the following topics:
- In light of the Charleston shooting, is it okay for church members to be armed for protection?
- Can transsexuals be saved? If someone has had surgery to change their appearance, what should they do?
- What do you think of modern-day prophets?
- My church doesn’t recognize my baptism and wants to re-baptize me; do you have any advice?
- What is the best way to interpret the Old Testament and apply it to us today?
- I attend a PCUSA church and the minister says he will perform same-sex unions; what should I do?/li>
- What is the identity of the beast of from the earth in Revelation chapter 13?
- My Old Testament professor says that Jesus couldn’t be the Passover lamb; what are your thoughts?
- My son feels called to pastoral ministry; would you pray for him?
- I was watching the movie Noah, and I wanted to get your opinion on the Watchers and the Book of Enoch?