Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank gives an overview of his new book The Complete Bible Answer Book Collector’s Edition Revised and Updated, which will be available next month.
Questions and Answers:
- I have a friend who says he hears voices telling him to warn people about the end of the world. How can I address this with him?
- What are your thoughts on the teaching of Joyce Meyer?
- Is the prophecy in Ezekiel chapters 37-38 specifically for the nation of Israel or is this for true Israel?
- What is a Christian required to do in terms of tithing today?
- I have had premonitions about things happening to people and they come true. What do you think about this?
- I listen to a lot of different pastors and Bible teachers; who is reliable? Who should we listen to?
- Joyce Meyer does believe God calls things that are not as though they were, but she believes we can do the same because we are His children.
- Is it okay for a Christian to smoke marijuana?
- Can you clarify the dispensational belief that God has two people?