On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:
- Can you explain the differences between the beast in Daniel chapter 7 and Revelation chapter 13? Am I supposed to assume they are the same?
- Where does the Bible speak of four blood moons and what significance does it have for this September?
- In the parable of the fig tree in Matthew chapter 24, does the tree mean Israel? Is the phrase “this generation” referring to the end times?
- When you give answers, are they divinely inspired or based on what you have learned? I’ve noticed that you and Dr. David Jeremiah disagree on many issues and this causes me confusion, so either the Holy Spirit is lying to one of you or one of you is not as close to the Lord as you think.
- We had a baby shower and spent a lot to host it, and when we totaled the money we received from cards and gift cards, we made only a quarter of what we spent. Does this relate to the parable Jesus told in Luke chapter 14? What are your thoughts on the Episcopal Church?
- Will smoking keep me out of heaven?