On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:
- I heard Mike Oxentenko say Jesus and the archangel Michael are the same person; do you have any information on him?
- If my husband and I don’t tithe, will we stop receiving God’s blessing?
- My eleven-year-old daughter is struggling at school; how can I help her to stay strong in her faith?
- What do you think about Answers in Genesis with Ken Ham?
- I heard Creflo Dollar say that God made man a little lower than Elohim, not angels. Can you clarify this?
- How can I witness to Mormons on the nature of God?
- Is believing in baptismal regeneration a violation of essential Christian doctrine? Will one who believes this still go to heaven?
- How can I harmonize Revelation 14:10 and other passages that say unbelievers will be shut out from the presence of the Lord?
- If the Roman Catholic Church claims to believe the Scriptures, why do they teach so many unbiblical doctrines?
- Can you comment on Jesus only baptism?