Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank shares some testimonies from listeners who have been blessed by his books and the ministry of the Christian Research Institute and the Bible Answer Man broadcast.
Questions and Answers:
- As Christians were are to reflect Christ to others, but if people don’t have a desire to know Him, is it worth it to share with them?
- What are your thoughts on Mark Driscoll?
- I was raised both Mormon and Roman Catholic; how can I unlearn or weed out false teaching?
- Since there’s no sadness in heaven, how will we react to loved ones who aren’t there?
- What is your opinion of Todd White?
- Do you think speaking in tongues is Scriptural or Satanic?
- How can someone stop using profanity?
- I am overwhelmed with guilt about sins I’ve committed in the past; how can I forgive myself?
- I have some family members that I can’t seem to reconcile with; what will this situation look like in heaven?
- How should we perceive other world religions; are people all seeing the same thing, but interpreting it differently?
- What biblical view best suits the age of the human race? Do you think it’s possible that humans have been around for 100,000 years?