June 7, 2010
Hank shares insights on reading through Proverbs 7 and encourages listeners to read through the Book of Proverbs once a month for the rest of the year… (0:40)
Questions / Comments
- Address the practice of praying in the Spirit or praying in tongues and the relationship to 1 Corinthians 14 (4:30)
- In Micah 4:5 does the lower case “g” god and capital “G” God refer to different gods? (12:06)
- Cousin who is pastor with the United Pentecostal Church says Lee Stoneking resurrected from the dead. Have you checked that out? (23:35)
- Studying young Earth creationism and old Earth creationism. (29:51)
- Someone purported to have a Word of the Lord and that Word of the Lord came true. What to make of this prophecy? (42:01)