June 24, 2010
Hank shares on Joni Eareckson Tada’s struggle with breast cancer and commends her testimonial in the midst of the suffering… (0:39)
Questions / Comments
- Are infants saved? Is there an age of accountability? (4:37)
- Dr. David Jeremiah on the millennium and children being born during that time? (9:27)
- Matthew 5:27 on adultery and looking at a woman with lust. Is looking equivalent to having an affair? (13:12)
- 1 Corinthians 15:5 on Jesus appearing to the Twelve. But Mark 16:14 says Jesus only appeared to eleven Apostles. Confused about the numbers? (22:00)
- Opinion on The Calvary Road by Roy Hession (23:26)
- Is suicide a straight ticket to hell? Someone I know had a family member who committed suicide. (28:41)
- If they find intelligent life on a different planet, will that prove evolution, and what would that mean for Christians? (39:02)
- How to witness to a Jehovah’s Witness friend (47:19)