August 27, 2010
Hank shares on the Literary Principle in the L-I-G-H-T-S Hankronym and the importance of reading the Bible as literature (0:31)
Questions / Comments
- You had dinner with Roman Catholics. Do you know they believe in works for salvation? (4:01)
- What verses in the Bible address true repentance? (11:29)
- How do we as Christians separate politics from religion? (13:10)
- Christ humility in Philippians 2 and having a servant’s heart contradicts being ambitious, having goals, and striving for self-improvement? (24:06)
- Are goals ok so long as they are in line with God’s will? Is it my responsibility to pray as a Christ-like sinner? (27:54)
- A pastor recently invited a prophetess to prophesy at a church service. What are your thoughts? (29:52)
- Who are the Christian preachers you admire? (38:57)
- 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper (42:31)
- The throne room of God in Revelation 4 a literal rainbow and description of the four creatures? (46:51)