September 8, 2009
- If Moses was risen before Christ does not this conflict with Jesus being the first fruits of those who sleep? (0:52)
- My husband is homebound. Ok to use a TV ministry as a main way of experiencing corporate worship? (5:30)
- Does “sons of God” in Genesis 6 refer to angels? (9:25)
- Must women wear head coverings in prayer according to 1 Corinthians 11? (12:38)
- How to respond to college text book that rejects Bible as the inspired Word of God and asserts Moses was a mythical figure and the Exodus never happened (29:50)
- Is Jesus condemning the use of religious titles like “Father” in Matthew 23 (39:33)
- Romans 4:20 indicate Abraham did not waver in faith, but Genesis tells of Abraham making mistakes (43:04)
- Witnessing to a Jehovah’s Witnesses on the Trinity (46:50)