November 19, 2010
Hank answers the question: What is Truth? He notes that postmodernists are very much like Pilate, staring at truth face to face without comprehension of what is being perceived (0:40)
Questions / Comments
- Glenn Beck speaks lots about his Christian faith and a relationship with Jesus. Thoughts? (3:31)
- Biblical grounds for divorce and remarriage. My father and mother are divorced but my father wants to pursue a new relationship (9:29)
- First Adam and the Second Adam. When Adam fell his sin was applied to all humanity, but when Christ died His righteousness was not applied to all humanity (20:54)
- What about devotion books for young kids around 5-7 years old? (25:49)
- You say Joel Osteen and Benny Hinn are threats to the church. What is meant by “threat”? (38:51)
- Ok for Christians to practice yoga? (47:17)