December 16, 2010

Hank and Elliot Miller, Editor-in-Chief of the Christian Research Journal, share on addressing cutting edge issues in the Journal, such as plastic surgery, Margaret Sanger, killing of the Canaanitess, and so forth (0:30)

Questions / Comments

  • Thoughts on contraception being one of the evils of the sexual revolution (4:34)
  • Romans 1:24-27 on the issue of being born a homosexual or homosexuality being the result of sin (10:56)
  • What about The World of Tomorrow with David C. Pack (22:23)
  • What about Myles Munroe and the Kingdom (25:14)
  • Clarence Larkin on the millennial reign of Christ in Revelation 20 (31:36)
  • A Christian backslides and gets infested with sevenfold demons will that Christian be guaranteed salvation at the unknown time of Christ return? (39:02)
  • I have been diagnosed with anxiety. I experience a depersonalization anxiety wherein I get detached from reality (45:36)