January 31, 2011
Hank comments on the USA Today article about Chick-fil-a and their ethics questioned. (0:32)
Questions / Comments
- Jeremiah 29:11- does it apply to personal struggles and anxiety? (7:42)
- Psalms 31:10- what was David struggling with? (11:59)
- What makes your interpretation Bible condemning homosexuality is correct? Was not the Bible written by man and its view of homosexuality is incorrect? (21:00)
- Is Apostolic church Christian? They do not believe in the Trinity and baptize in Jesus Name only. Ok for a Christian to marry someone who is committed to the Apostolic church and beliefs? (38:51)
- What happens when a Christian dies? Soul Sleep? (41:11)
- Where in the Bible does it teach Trinitarian baptism? (49:10)